Morrison Creek Collection

Love and Loss

Love can be messy. Loss can be hard. Life can be raw. The creek has become my happy place. Each piece of cracked glass I find I am reminded of my Morrison, my love for her and her love for me. The jagged edges remind me of the pain and the loss of her life before I even got to meet her face to face. But when the pieces are put together with other broken pieces a beautiful creation comes to life. These creations bring light to the darkness and is a gentle reminder of the peace that overflows into joy, as the story of our family continues to unfold.

This Morrison Creek Collection is messy, raw and beautiful. Families built together by parts of a bigger rock. Chipped and broken alone they are mere stones, but pieced  together they tell a beautiful story of life, family, and love binding all things together.

This collection has brought me immense joy. Its creation has pulled me out of low places and has found me at just the right time.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. For getting to know the Morrison Creek collection with me and bringing joy and light to my world.

My hope is that your family portrait will tell your story and add some extra warmth to your home.

The three portraits you can choose from are The Lochlan, The Esther, and The Eleanor.  Each one, named after our son and our two puppy dogs.  The different listings vary in size depending on the amount of family members.